2021.02.03 14:20Nation

中国企業元役員に有罪 IR汚職贈賄側―東京地裁


2021.02.03 14:20Nation

Ex-China Firm Exec Guilty for Bribing Japan Lawmaker

Tokyo District Court on Wednesday sentenced a former executive of a Chinese company to two years in prison, suspended for three years, for bribing indicted Japanese lawmaker Tsukasa Akimoto over a casino resort project.
   The 38-year-old former executive of 500.com Ltd. "played an important role proactively," Presiding Judge Toshihiko Niwa said.
   The defendant, a Chinese national, was effectively involved in the bribery by using his language skills and social experiences in Japan, the judge said.
   The defense side said that the defendant only served as an interpreter and liaison between the president of 500.com and former Japanese consultants of the company, claiming that the defendant should be punished with a fine.
   But the judge rejected the claim, saying that the defendant bears criminal responsibility as serious as those involved in the case, including the former consultants, did.


