東京五輪の無観客開催も検討 組織委―2月にトップ級会談へ
Organizers Studying Tokyo Games without Audience as Option
The organizing committee for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics is considering holding the games this summer without spectators, among other options, its president, Yoshiro Mori, said Thursday.
"We are mulling various options (regarding spectators). Basically, we don't want to hold the games behind closed doors, but we need to study the possibility as we run simulations," Mori told reporters.
While the prolonged new coronavirus crisis is casting a shadow over the Tokyo Games, the organizing committee is set make a decision by spring on whether to limit the number of spectators and how to handle foreign visitors.
The Tokyo Summer Olympics and Paralympics have been postponed by one year from 2020 due to the pandemic. The opening ceremony for the Olympic Games is scheduled for July 23. "There are no criteria to determine" the safety of the games, Mori said. "Everyone is working with hopes to make the games safe and secure," he added.
On Thursday, Mori held a videoconference with International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach. They agreed to hold a meeting in February among them and other high-level officials including Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike and Seiko Hashimoto, Japanese minister for the Tokyo Games. "We'll confirm and sort out what we have done so far and advance to the next phase," Mori said.