2021.01.27 12:25Nation

菅首相、緊急宣言でステージ3目指す 尾身会長、効果判明は今週末―参院予算委


2021.01.27 12:25Nation

Suga Vows to Lower Virus Alert Level Early

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday that the government aims to move the coronavirus situation to a lower stage at an early date to allow it to lift its state of emergency over the virus.
   "We aim to bring the situation to Stage 3 quickly, by having people follow antivirus measures," Suga said at the House of Councillors Budget Committee, referring to the country's four-tier coronavirus alert system.
   He called for continued compliance from the public with the government's requests for shortening hours at some businesses and avoiding unnecessary travel.
   Public health expert Shigeru Omi said that the effects of the state of emergency will become clear this weekend or early next week. "That will have an important impact on when it will be lifted."
   Suga said. "We'll keep necessary measures in place to achieve a decrease in infections" even after the state of emergency is lifted. The state of emergency, in place for Tokyo and 10 other prefectures, expires on Feb. 7.


