2021.01.26 22:13Nation

「越前がに」「いぶりがっこ」保護 地理的表示、日欧EPAで追加初


2021.01.26 22:13Nation

"Echizen Gani," "Iburigakko" among New GIs under Japan-EU EPA

A total of 28 Japanese farm, fishery and other product brands will be registered as geographical indications, or GIs, under the Japan-European Union economic partnership agreement on Feb. 1, the Japanese government announced on Tuesday.
   The brands include "Echizen Gani," which refers to snow crabs caught off the Echizen coast in Fukui Prefecture, and "Iburigakko," which is Akita Prefecture's specialty pickles of smoked Japanese radish.
   This will be the first additional GI registration under the Japan-EU trade pact, which entered into force in February 2019.
   The bilateral pact is designed to help both sides prevent the spread of similar goods to brand products linked to local traditional methods and climate and other features.
   The 28 Japanese brands have already been listed under the country's GI protection system.


