2021.01.25 19:33Nation

菅首相、GoTo「地域経済に貢献」 入院拒否罰則、与野党で議論を―衆院予算委

 首相は25日の衆院予算委員会で、2020年度第3次補正予算案に計上した需要喚起策「Go To」キャンペーン費用約1.1兆円について、「地域経済の下支えに貢献するものだ。しかるべき時期の事業再開に備えて計上している」と述べ、野党の組み替え要求を拒否した。立憲民主党の氏に対する答弁。

2021.01.25 19:33Nation

Suga Eager to Keep Funds for "Go To" Stimulus Campaigns

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on Monday rejected an opposition demand that funds for the government's "Go To" demand-stimulating campaigns be removed from its proposed third supplementary budget for fiscal 2020.
   The Go To campaigns, which are currently suspended, are "designed to contribute to shoring up regional economies," Suga told a meeting of the House of Representatives' Budget Committee.
   The 1.1-trillion-yen funds are included in the supplementary budget bill to restart the campaigns "at an appropriate time," Suga said.
   The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and other opposition parties claim that the extra budget bill should be revised after the government declared a fresh state of emergency over the coronavirus pandemic earlier this month.
   At the Lower House committee meeting, Kenji Eda of the CDP called for the budget bill to focus on supporting the medical sector.


