2021.01.25 19:14Nation

罰則軽減・国会報告導入検討 政府・与党、野党と26日修正協議―コロナ特措法など


2021.01.25 19:14Nation

LDP, CDP to Discuss Possible Changes to Coronavirus Law Revisions

Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party and the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan on Monday agreed to hold talks on whether to make changes to a special coronavirus law amendment and bills to revise two other laws.
   Possible changes to the bills will be negotiated on Tuesday and Wednesday by the two parties' chief executives on the Cabinet Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, and the Committee on Health, Labor and Welfare of the Lower House.
   At a Lower House Budget Committee meeting on Monday, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, also president of the LDP, said he is willing to have talks with his counterpart from the CDP on whether to make revisions to the bills.
   At a cabinet meeting Friday, the Japanese government adopted the set of bills, aimed at making coronavirus countermeasures enforceable, partly by the introduction of criminal penalties for noncompliant individuals and businesses. For example, the proposed bill to revise the infectious diseases law calls for prison terms of up to one year or fines of up to 1 million yen for COVID-19 patients who refuse to be hospitalized.
   Opposition parties claim that the proposed punishments are too harsh.


