2021.01.16 11:48Nation

五輪中止の可能性に言及 「不確実性増している」―NYタイムズ


2021.01.16 11:48Nation

Tokyo Olympics May Be Canceled: N.Y. Times

The International Olympic Committee may be forced to cancel the postponed Tokyo Olympic Games due to an unabated increase in coronavirus infection cases around the world, The New York Times reported in its electronic edition on Friday.
   "Plans for the postponed Tokyo Olympic Games are growing more uncertain by the day," the newspaper said.
   As coronavirus cases rise throughout Japan and in several large countries in Europe and the Americas, officials both in Tokyo and with the IOC "have begun to acknowledge that holding a safe games might not be possible," endangering dreams that the Olympics could serve as a global celebration of the end of the pandemic, it said.
   "Instead, the IOC may be forced to cancel the Olympics for the first time since World War II," the paper said.
   The daily also noted that Canadian Dick Pound, the longest-serving IOC member told the BBC this week that there was "no guarantee" that the Olympic Games would take place.


