テニスの大坂が年間最優秀女子選手に 国際スポーツ記者協会
男子の年間最優秀選手には、サッカーの欧州チャンピオンズリーグでバイエルン・ミュンヘン(ドイツ)の優勝に貢献したポーランド代表FWロベルト・レバンドフスキが選ばれた。 (時事)(2020/12/29-23:24)
Japanese Tennis Star Osaka Named 2020 Best Female Athlete
The International Sports Press Association has selected Japanese tennis star Naomi Osaka as the best female athlete of 2020.
Osaka claimed her third Grand Slam singles title by winning the U.S. Open championship for the second time in September.
During the U.S. Open, Osaka arrived for matches wearing black face masks that had the names of seven black victims of police or racist violence in the United States, in protest against racial discrimination.
The selection was made by votes by 422 journalists from 116 countries and regions, the association said Tuesday.
The association also picked Polish striker Robert Lewandowski, who helped German professional football club Bayern Munich win the European championship, as the best male athlete.