ESG投資を加速 「コロナ債」に需要―生保各社
Japanese Life Insurers Stepping Up ESG Investment
Japanese life insurers are stepping up ESG investment focused on environmental, social and governance issues both at home and abroad.
Demand is growing for so-called coronavirus bonds, designed to secure funds for measures to tackle the ongoing pandemic, including the development of vaccines and the supplies of medical equipment. Investment to help resolve global issues, such as climate change and the rapid population growth, has been drawing keen attention. Such investment is popular also because long-term returns can be expected.
In April 2021, Nippon Life Insurance Co., the domestic industry leader, will introduce ESG criteria for all of its investments, including stocks, bonds and real estate, and lending. Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co. also plans to adopt the criteria in full. Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co. and Sumitomo Life Insurance Co. are also eager to do so.
In June this year, Dai-ichi Life bought 15.8 billion yen's worth of World Bank bonds to help drugmakers develop vaccines against infectious diseases. Japan Post Insurance Co. has purchased 48 billion yen worth of coronavirus bonds issued by Western financial institutions to support the global efforts to beef up the medical capacity.
ESG investment, which first became popular in Europe and the United States, has been spreading rapidly in Japan in recent years.