2020.12.25 15:32Nation

50年「脱炭素」へ政策総動員 車、30年代に電動化―「グリーン成長戦略」で計画


2020.12.25 15:32Nation

Japan Unveils Green Growth Strategy for Carbon Neutrality by 2050

The Japanese government released on Friday its "green growth strategy" action plan aimed at achieving net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.
   The key policy initiative for Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga features a goal of limiting all new domestic passenger car sales to vehicles that do not run solely on gasoline by the mid-2030s.
   The plan includes a schedule outlining execution deadlines and technological challenges for 14 priority areas, such as offshore wind power generation and the use of hydrogen as an energy source.
   The government predicts that the green growth strategy, alongside investment and increased business by the private sector, will result in economic benefits of a scale of some 90 trillion yen annually by 2030 and 190 trillion yen annually by 2050.
   "(The plan) cannot be achieved easily," Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said at a government panel on growth strategy the same day. "The government needs to give full support to bold investments by private companies."


