2020.12.25 17:52Nation

元看護助手が国賠提訴 患者死亡で再審無罪―大津地裁

 滋賀県警監察官室の話 訴状の内容を確認した上で適切に対応する。
 山上真由美・大津地検次席検事の話 訴状の内容を承知していないが、当庁として対応すべき事項があれば適切に対応したい。(2020/12/25-17:52)

2020.12.25 17:52Nation

Woman Acquitted in Murder Retrial Seeks Damages from State

A Japanese woman who was acquitted of murder in a retrial earlier this year filed a lawsuit Friday seeking some 43 million yen in damages from the state and the western Japan prefecture of Shiga.
   Mika Nishiyama, 40, claimed that she suffered economic and psychological damage because of illegal investigations.
   The lawsuit was filed with Otsu District Court in Shiga.
   In the complaint, Nishiyama, who was found innocent in March of killing a male patient at a hospital in Higashiomi, Shiga, in May 2003, argued that a prefectural police detective in charge of her interrogations unfairly led her to make a false confession. She was working as an assistant nurse at the hospital when the patient died.
   The complaint also alleged that it was illegal for the police not to send to the Otsu District Public Prosecutors Office an investigation report that contained a doctor's opinion rejecting the possibility of the patient being murdered.


