2020.12.25 11:09Nation

「夫婦別姓」の表現後退 緊急避妊薬、入手簡素化を―男女参画新計画が閣議決定


2020.12.25 11:09Nation

Japan Turns More Cautious about Dual Surname System

The Japanese government took a more cautious stance on allowing married couples to use different surnames in its fifth basic plan on promoting gender equality adopted on Friday.
   The basic plan covering five years from fiscal 2021, adopted at a cabinet meeting, only said that the government "will carry out further studies on a specific system regarding married couples' surnames."
   A draft of the fifth plan said that the government "will take necessary steps" for the introduction of a selective dual surname system, signaling a positive stance of the government on the matter.
   But the wording in the draft was changed in the face of fierce opposition from conservative lawmakers of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
   The latest plan said that the government will conduct studies "on the basis of the history of the same surname system for married couples while paying consideration to the impact (of a dual surname system) on families' sense of unity and children."


