2020.12.22 12:03Nation

吉川元農水相が議員辞職 現金授受疑惑で事実上の引責


2020.12.22 12:03Nation

Ex-Japanese Farm Minister Yoshikawa Resigns as Lawmaker

Former Japanese agriculture minister Takamori Yoshikawa resigned Tuesday as a member of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament, apparently to take the blame for an alleged money scandal.
   The former minister cited health reasons for stepping down. He submitted his resignation to Lower House Speaker Tadamori Oshima, who accepted it.
   Yoshikawa, 70, a member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, allegedly received a total of 5 million yen in cash from a former chief of a major Japanese egg production firm.
   The resignation is "very regrettable, although it's about his health," LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai told a press conference.
   Regarding the impact of Yoshikawa's stepping down on the administration of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, Nikai said: "I won't say there isn't any. It's important for the government to be fully aware of the impact when it takes responses."


