2020.12.21 22:36Nation

小林化工を立ち入り調査 睡眠剤混入問題―厚労省・福井県など


2020.12.21 22:36Nation

Kobayashi Kako Raided over Tainted Drug

The Japanese health ministry and the Fukui prefectural government on Monday raided Kobayashi Kako Co. in the city of Awara in the central Japan prefecture over the drugmaker's antifungal medicine tainted with a sleep-inducing component.
   The on-site inspection, carried out under the pharmaceuticals and medical devices law, was part of the authorities' efforts to check the company's quality management and inspection systems for possible flaws.
   Suspecting the possibility of the incident amounting to a violation of the law, the ministry will consider administrative action against the company, such as a business suspension order.
   The Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, an independent administrative agency undertaking drug safety reviews, joined the raid, which followed an on-site inspection by the prefecture on Dec. 9. The Fukui prefectural police department has also been investigating the incident by interviewing people concerned, among other measures.
   "This is a very serious case," Toru Tanaka, head of the ministry's Compliance and Narcotics Division, told reporters in front of Kobayashi Kako's office. "Administrative action cannot be avoided," Tanaka said.


