2020.12.18 19:21Nation

青森・むつ市長「核ごみ捨て場ではない」 電事連・共用化案に反発―中間施設


2020.12.18 19:21Nation

Mutsu Mayor Opposes N-Fuel Facility Joint Use Plan

Soichiro Miyashita, mayor of the city of Mutsu in Aomori Prefecture, voiced opposition Friday to a plan for joint use by major power suppliers of an interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel being built by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. and Japan Atomic Power Co.in the northeastern Japan city.
   TEPCO and JAPC aim to start operating the facility by March 2022. Although the storage was supposed to be used by the two, the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, or Denjiren, proposed the joint use plan at a meeting with industry minister Hiroshi Kajiyama on Thursday.
   "We can't have discussions whose goal is to realize the joint use," Miyashita told Denjiren Vice Chairman Shigenobu Shimizu, who met with the mayor at the Mutsu city hall Friday to explain the plan.
   In response to media reports about the plan, Miyashita had already blamed the power industry group for giving little consideration to local citizens.
   Before visiting Miyashita, Shimizu met with Aomori Governor Shingo Mimura at the prefectural government head office in the city of Aomori to inform him of the plan.


