2020.12.18 19:23Nation

日銀、物価2%へ政策点検 総裁「マイナス金利見直さず」―資金繰り支援、半年延長


2020.12.18 19:23Nation

BOJ Extends Coronavirus Relief until September 2021

The Bank of Japan Friday extended its relief measures designed to support corporate finances amid the coronavirus pandemic for six months until the end of September 2021.
   The central bank said it will assess the current monetary easing measures in an effort to achieve its 2 pct inflation goal. The BOJ will report the findings likely at a policy meeting in March next year, it said.
   The BOJ's board voted 8-1 to maintain its current monetary easing policy. The central bank will keep its short-term policy interest rate at minus 0.1 pct and guide 10-year government bond yields around zero pct.
   In March, the BOJ introduced a program to extend interest-free loans of up to one year to commercial banks. At the same time, the central bank expanded its corporate bond and commercial paper purchases.
   These relief measures, initially set to expire at the end of September this year, had been extended until the end of March 2021.


