2020.12.15 12:54Nation

年末年始の感染抑止に全力 菅首相

 菅義偉首相は15日の自民党役員会で、国の観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」の一時停止について「(新型コロナウイルスの)日々の感染者が3000人を超える中、年末年始に集中的な対策を取るべきだと考え、いったん停止を決断した。これ以上の感染を食い止めることに全力を挙げたい」と述べ、党側に協力を求めた。

2020.12.15 12:54Nation

Suga Vows Full Efforts to Prevent Infections in Coming Weeks

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga indicated on Tuesday the government's intention to make full efforts to prevent coronavirus infections in the year-end and New Year period over the coming weeks.
   At an executive meeting of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Suga called for the party's understanding for the government's decision to suspend its Go To Travel tourism subsidy campaign.
   "With the daily number of infections topping 3,000, we decided to suspend (the campaign) for now as we found it necessary to take intensive measures in the year-end and New Year period," he said.
   "We'll make full efforts to prevent further infections," the prime minister stressed.
   At a press conference later in the day, LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai expressed support for the suspension of the Go To Travel campaign.


