2020.12.09 17:06Nation

「ミロ」需要急増で販売休止 SNS拡散、再開は来年3月以降

 ネスレ日本(神戸市)は9日までに、牛乳に溶かして飲む麦芽飲料「ネスレ ミロ」全商品の販売を休止すると発表した。交流サイト(SNS)上で「寝起きがよくなる」といった投稿が拡散。新型コロナウイルスの影響に伴う巣ごもりも重なり、前年の7倍に膨らんだ需要をさばき切れなくなった。供給体制を整備して来年3月以降に再開する。
 休止するのは「ネスレ ミロ オリジナル」の袋入り240グラム・同700グラムと、箱入りスティック5本の全3商品。ツイッターなどで「貧血にいい」「目覚めがすっきり」といった口コミが広がり、7月ごろから買い求める客が急増した。供給が追い付かなくなり、9月に主力の240グラム入り商品をいったん休止。11月16日に出荷を再開したが、注文急増から品薄が続いており、全商品の販売を見合わせることにした。(2020/12/09-17:06)

2020.12.09 17:06Nation

Nestle Japan to Suspend Sales of Milo Malt Drink

Nestle Japan Ltd. has announced a decision to suspend sales of all of its Milo chocolate malt beverage powder products due to difficulties meeting a surge in demand partly caused by social media posts.
   The unit of Swiss food giant Nestle SA saw Milo demand grow seven-fold year on year following Twitter or other social media posts, including one saying that "it helps you wake up better" and another saying "It's good for anemia." The products also attracted attention from people staying home due to the coronavirus crisis.
   Nestle Japan said Tuesday that it will halt sales of 240- and 700-gram packages of "Nestle Milo Original" and a boxed Milo product with each containing five sticks, planning to resume sales in March next year or later after preparing supply.
   Milo started attracting strong demand in Japan around July on the back of the social media posts.
   The company halted sales of the mainstay 240-gram product in September. Although its shipments were resumed on Nov. 16, Nestle Japan continued to see demand far exceed its supply capacity and decided on the full sales suspension as a result.


