2020.12.07 21:55Nation

金密輸防止へ訪日客除外 消費税控除の条件厳格化―政府・与党


2020.12.07 21:55Nation

Japan to Revise Tax Rule to Prevent Gold Smuggling

The Japanese government and ruling parties plan to revise the conditions for tax credits in an effort to prevent the smuggling of gold, it was learned Monday.
   Under the plan, passports and residence cards of foreign nationals will be excluded from the types of personal verification documents that are necessary for gold traders in Japan to apply for consumption tax credits on purchases from foreign sellers, because they are often forged.
   The measure, to be included in fiscal 2021 tax reform plans due out Thursday, is aimed at preventing gold from being smuggled into the country.
   According to the Finance Ministry, gold smuggling into Japan spiked in recent years. The amount seized in 2017 reached 6.2 tons, some 80 times the level five years before.
   Smugglers procure gold in a country that does not impose consumption tax and sell it to buyers in Japan at prices including the tax, to profit from the difference.


