2020.11.22 21:36Nation

パンダの赤ちゃん誕生 和歌山のレジャー施設


2020.11.22 21:36Nation

Giant Panda Cub Born at Zoo in Western Japan

A male giant panda cub has been born at a zoo in Adventure World in Wakayama Prefecture, western Japan, the leisure facility said.
   The baby giant panda is 20.5 centimeters long and weighs 157 grams, the facility in the town of Shirahama said Sunday. It is the 17th panda cub born at Adventure World.
   The cub and his mother, 20-year-old Rauhin, are both in good health, officials of the facility said.
   Being in his 80s in human terms, the cub's father, 28-year-old Eimei, broke his own world record of being the oldest male giant panda in captivity that had a cub through natural breeding.
   The newborn cub is the 10th offspring between Eimei and Rauhin, and the first since they had Saihin, a female giant panda, in August 2018.


