2020.11.21 19:58Nation

台湾人団体「正しい情報を」 原発など視察、風評払拭へ発信―福島


2020.11.21 19:58Nation

Taiwanese Helping Spread Fukushima Reconstruction Information

A group of young Taiwanese is working to spread information about progress in Fukushima Prefecture's reconstruction after the meltdowns at a local nuclear plant triggered by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
   Five members of the group, whose Japanese name is Fukushima Zenshin-dan, made a six-day tour of the northeastern Japan prefecture through Saturday.
   On the final day, they talked with Japanese students in the city of Kitakata to exchange views on ways to wipe out negative rumors about Fukushima due to the nuclear disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 power plant.
   "We hope accurate information is known to many people," a member said, adding that the group will disseminate such information through social media.
   On Wednesday, the members visited the TEPCO plant and were briefed on progress in work to dismantle its reactors and ever-increasing radioactive water stored at the plant after being treated to remove radioactive substances.


