2020.11.21 00:43Nation

「GoTo」見直し提言 感染地域対象、営業を短縮―リスクに警鐘・コロナ分科会

 政府は20日、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会(会長・尾身茂地域医療機能推進機構理事長)を東京都内で開いた。爆発的な感染拡大の危険性が指摘される現状を踏まえ、国の需要喚起策「Go To」キャンペーンについて、感染拡大地域を対象に適用除外などの見直しを提言。自治体に対して営業短縮や移動自粛の要請を求め、住民向けの夜間外出自粛要請も盛り込んだ。

2020.11.21 00:43Nation

Japan Coronavirus Panel Urges Review of "Go To" Campaigns

An expert panel on the novel coronavirus epidemic advised the Japanese government on Friday to review its "Go To" series demand-stimulating campaigns in areas where infections are spreading.
   The recommendation came as the government has indicated its intention to keep in place the campaigns aimed at supporting industries hit hard by the coronavirus fallout.
   The panel, chaired by Shigeru Omi, head of the Japan Community Health Care Organization, also called on the public to exercise utmost vigilance against the coronavirus at a time when the country now faces a risk of seeing an explosive spread of infections.
   Meanwhile, the government plans to ask local authorities to conduct blanket coronavirus testing at hospitals and elderly facilities in areas with spreading infections. It will also likely call on people to fully take measures to prevent infections during the three-day weekend through Monday, including avoiding dining in large groups.
   The government is slated to hold a meeting of its coronavirus response headquarters on Saturday to share updates on local infection situations and have talks on measures based on the panel's recommendations.


