2020.11.20 17:07Nation

エルトゥールル号遭難、国史跡に 沖縄・北谷城跡も―文化審


2020.11.20 17:07Nation

Japan to Designate Ertugrul Incident Sites as Historic Spot

A Japanese government council proposed on Friday the designation of properties in 12 locations as historic sites, including locations linked to the Ertugrul incident, seen as the start of Japan's longstanding friendship with Turkey.
   The incident occurred in 1890, when the Ottoman Empire naval frigate Ertugrul was shipwrecked in waters off Kii Oshima Island, western Japan, after being hit by a typhoon on its way home from a visit to Japan.
   The incident left 587 of those aboard dead, while Japanese locals rescued 69.
   The Cultural Affairs Council recommended to culture minister Koichi Hagiuda the designation of sites related to the incident in the town of Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture. They include the Funagora reef, which the warship hit, and a grave site for the victims.
   The council regarded them as precious sites to commemorate the history of exchanges between Japan and Turkey. It would be the first designation of a shipwreck site as historic site, according to people familiar with the matter.


