2020.11.20 09:55Nation

河井夫妻、政治資金の収支不記載 1.5億円、解明進まず


2020.11.20 09:55Nation

Kawais' Finances Omitted from Political Funds Report

A political funds report released Friday failed to disclose the incomes or expenses at party chapters previously led by former Justice Minister Katsuyuki Kawai and his wife Anri, both embroiled in a vote-buying scandal.
   The report for 2019, made public by the Hiroshima prefectural board of elections, omitted the crucial information at the two chapters of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party in the western Japan prefecture.
   One is the chapter, previously led by Katsuyuki, for the prefecture's No. 3 constituency for the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of parliament. The other is the No. 7 chapter for the prefectural constituency for the House of Councillors, the upper chamber, formerly led by Anri.
   The Kawais are on trial for allegedly buying votes in her campaign for the 2019 Upper House election in violation of the public offices election law.
   The couple received a total of 150 million yen from the LDP headquarters in the run-up to the election. Opposition parties suspect that the funds may have been used for the alleged vote-buying.


