2020.11.20 09:49Nation

人の往来「経済再生へ不可欠」 TPP米復帰に期待―菅首相ビデオ演説


2020.11.20 09:49Nation

Suga Stresses Japan's Policy of Relaxing Border Measures

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga on Friday stressed the government's policy of relaxing border control measures strengthened following the COVID-19 outbreak, despite the recent domestic resurgence of coronavirus infection.
   In a video message for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum's CEO Dialogues online event, Suga said, "The resumption of cross-border travel is essential for economic recovery."
   Japan will resume its economic activities globally while fully taking thorough infection prevention measures, he continued.
   Suga pledged to realize the proposed Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific including by expanding the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade bloc. He apparently hopes to bring back the United States to the TPP regime after the upcoming change of U.S. administration.
   Suga said that the realization of a free and open Indo-Pacific region as proposed by Japan amid China's growing military and economic presence will provide a basis of regional prosperity.


