2020.11.19 20:38Nation

重症者、「第2波」上回る 感染者の年齢層拡大―新型コロナ


2020.11.19 20:38Nation

Severely Ill COVID-19 Patients Exceed Summer Peak in Japan

The number of severely ill COVID-19 patients across Japan has reached 280, exceeding a high posted in August during the second wave of novel coronavirus infections.
   The growth, which came as the country is seeing record daily increases in infection cases, reflected the spread of infections among various age groups, including middle-aged and elderly people.
   On Wednesday, the number of severely ill patients rose by four from the previous day to 280, up 1.9-fold from a month before and 1.5-fold from two weeks before, according to the health ministry.
   The figure was lower than the record high of 328 on April 30 in the middle of the first wave. But it was higher than the summer peak of 259 on Aug. 23.
   During the second wave, infections spread markedly among young people in nightlife districts. Many of them had no symptoms.


