2020.11.19 19:47Nation

菅政権、NSCを初開催 米移行期の安保空白を警戒


2020.11.19 19:47Nation

Japan's NSC Holds First 4-Minister Meeting under Suga

The Japanese government's National Security Council on Thursday held the first meeting of four key ministers since the launch of the administration of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga in September.
   Participants discussed latest developments in North Korea, China and other parts of the world. The four-minister meeting was aimed at making sure that there will be no vacuum in the security situation around Japan as U.S. President Donald Trump has refused to concede his defeat in the presidential election, leading the transition of power in the United States to be stalled.
   After the U.S. presidential election, North Korea is showing various moves, such as signs of resuming military provocations, a Japanese government source said. China is also continuing assertive moves, such as having its coast guard ships repeatedly intrude into Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea.
   Under the circumstances, Japan hopes to strengthen its security cooperation with its allies in order to maintain deterrence capabilities.
   On Nov. 12, Suga held telephone talks with Joe Biden, who is certain to have won the presidential election. In the talks, Biden confirmed that the Japan-U.S. security treaty's Article 5, which obliges the United States to defend territories under Japanese jurisdiction, applies to the Senkaku Islands. The islands are claimed by China, which calls them Diaoyu.


