2020.11.19 14:31Nation

がん10年生存率58.3% 改善傾向続く―04~07年診断・国立がん研


2020.11.19 14:31Nation

Japan's 10-Year Cancer Survival Rate at 58.3 Pct

The 10-year survival rate of people in Japan who were diagnosed with cancer in 2004-2007 stood at 58.3 pct, 1.1 percentage points higher compared with such patients in 2003-2006, a research team of entities including the National Cancer Center said Thursday.
   The 10-year cancer survival rate has been on an improving trend in the country.
   The latest figure was calculated based on data covering some 94,000 people aged 15-94 who were diagnosed with cancer at 21 Japanese medical institutions specializing in cancer treatment, excluding the effects of causes of death other than cancer.
   By cancer type, the survival rate was the highest at 98.8 pct for prostate cancer, followed by 86.8 pct for breast cancer, 68.7 pct for bowel cancer, 66.8 pct for stomach cancer, 32.4 pct for lung cancer and 16.1 pct for liver cancer. Pancreatic cancer had the lowest survival rate, at 6.2 pct.
   The research team offered the view that the 10-year survival rate will likely improve further in the future as new cancer treatment methods have been developed since the patients covered by the latest survey were diagnosed with cancer more than 10 years ago.


