2020.11.19 17:04Nation

川辺川ダム建設、国に要請へ 防災で反対から容認、方針転換―蒲島熊本知事


2020.11.19 17:04Nation

Kumamoto Governor Supports Dam Construction for Flood Control

Kumamoto Governor Ikuo Kabashima said Thursday that he supports the proposed construction of a dam on a tributary of a river that caused deadly flooding during torrential rains in the southwestern Japan prefecture in July.
   The governor, speaking at a prefectural assembly meeting, supported the revival of a plan to build a dam on the Kawabe River, which flows into the Kuma River.
   "I feel strong responsibility" for the disaster, Kabashima said. "The current will of the people is to protect life and the environment," he said.
   The dam construction plan was once scrapped in 2009 due to environmental concern. The prefecture and the central government had since pursued flood control that does not involve a dam. However, the effort was not successful.
   Kabashima called for the construction of a dam solely for flood control, seeking to abolish the previous plan to build a multipurpose dam that also allows for water utilization.


