2020.11.19 07:10Nation

北朝鮮人権決議案を採択 日本、共同提出再び見送り―国連


2020.11.19 07:10Nation

U.N. Panel Resolution Condemns N. Korea's Rights Abuses

The Third Committee of the U.N. General Assembly at a meeting on Wednesday adopted a European Union-drafted resolution condemning North Korea's human rights violations, including its abductions of Japanese and other foreign nationals.
   The committee adopted such a resolution for the 16th straight year.
   North Korea rejected the draft resolution, which was adopted by consensus, while countries such as China and Russia did not take part in the consensus procedures.
   Japan used to submit resolutions against North Korea jointly with the EU. But the country chose not to do so last year and again this year. Instead, Japan supported the draft resolution with other nations.
   "We took into consideration the importance of continuously sending out messages from the international community for solving the abduction issue and the current circumstances surrounding Japan and North Korea in a comprehensive manner," a Japanese government official said.


