2020.11.17 20:29Nation

日本人の対中観、悪化 尖閣周辺の侵入に懸念―世論調査


2020.11.17 20:29Nation

More Japanese Having Negative Images of China: Survey

The proportion of Japanese people having negative images of China came to 89.7 pct, an annual survey by Japanese and Chinese organizations showed Tuesday.
   The share was up 5.0 percentage points from the previous year, rising for the first time in four years, according to the survey conducted by the groups including Japan's Genron NPO.
   As the reason for the choice, many of the respondents cited Chinese ships' repeated intrusion into Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. China claims the Japanese-administered islands, which it calls Diaoyu. China's actions going against international rules and its behavior in the South China Sea were also cited as reasons.
   The survey did not include questions regarding responses to the novel coronavirus or the situation in Hong Kong.
   The proportion of Japanese respondents who think their country's relationship with China is important fell 8.5 points to 64.2 pct, slipping below 70 pct for the first time since the survey started in 2005.


