2024.09.23 07:04Nation

岸田首相「同志国重視」アピール 退陣直前の訪米、路線継承図る


2024.09.23 07:04Nation

FOCUS: Kishida Stresses Ties with Like-Minded Nations in Final U.S. Trip as PM

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's latest visit to the United States, which came just before his resignation, to take part in a Quad summit was intended to underscore the importance of Japan's relations with allies and like-minded nations.
   Kishida apparently aims to pass on the results of the four-way summit to the next administration as the culmination of summit diplomacy, which he claims is his strong area.
   "During my tenure, I have consistently focused on the collaboration among Japan, the United States, Australia and India," Kishida said at the start of the Quad summit, held in Wilmington, Delaware, on Saturday. "This is the most appropriate meeting for me to attend on my final foreign trip as prime minister."
   This was the fourth time for Kishida to join a summit among Japan, the United States, Australia and India, including in an online format.
   Since taking office in 2021, the Japanese prime minister has worked hard to expand the network of allies and like-minded nations, leveraging the robust Japan-U.S. relationship. This approach is based on his belief that the U.S. engagement in the Indo-Pacific region is critical in countering China, which has been expanding hegemonic behavior.


