2020.11.17 15:28Nation

航空部品で連携強化 コロナ後視野に―日・マレーシア


2020.11.17 15:28Nation

Japan, Malaysia to Strengthen Cooperation in Aviation Field

Japan and Malaysia agreed on Tuesday to beef up cooperation in the aviation industry.
   Considering the aerospace field a strategic industry, the Southeast Asian country has been inviting linkups from overseas companies.
   Keeping a world after the novel coronavirus pandemic in mind, the Japanese government will support local expansions and exports by Japanese airplane parts makers.
   On Tuesday, senior officials from Japan's industry ministry and Malaysia's international trade and industry ministry announced that they will strengthen bilateral cooperation, in line with a Malaysia-hosted online business convention that will be held until Friday.
   The convention will be joined by Nidak Seimitsu Inc., Kyoyu Co., Asahi Aero Group and All Nippon Airways Trading Co., a subsidiary of air carrier ANA Holdings Inc. .


