2020.11.17 12:44Nation

グーグル、日本向け感染予測公表 都道府県別に把握―新型コロナ


2020.11.17 12:44Nation

Google Starts Offering COVID-19 Forecasts for Japan

U.S. technology giant Google LLC started on Monday offering forecasts of the spread of the new coronavirus in Japan.
   The forecasts provide 28-day projections of the numbers of confirmed cases, deaths, patients who need to be hospitalized and other coronavirus-related information for the whole of Japan and for each of the country's 47 prefectures.
   Such projections are expected to help medical institutions and administrative authorities, for example, to draw up distribution plans of medical supplies and identify infection spreads at an early stage.
   Google started offering COVID-19 forecasts in the United States in August. Japan became the second country to be covered. The company developed a new forecast model to reflect circumstances unique to Japan.
   The English-language website can be accessed at: https://datastudio.google.com/reporting/8224d512-a76e-4d38-91c1-935ba119eb8f/page/IJwoB.


