2020.11.17 01:22Nation

力強い回復へ機動的行動 共同声明を採択―APEC閣僚会議


2020.11.17 01:22Nation

APEC Ministers Affirm Cooperation for Economic Recovery

Ministers from the 21 APEC member economies vowed on Monday to continue working together and act in a timely manner to support the strong economic recovery in defiance of the novel coronavirus pandemic.
   The commitment was shown in a joint statement adopted at a videoconference among the ministers from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum members, including Japan, the United States and China. The participants shared the view that the pandemic had serious impacts on the Asia-Pacific region.
   Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi told the virtual meeting that the country is determined to lead the efforts to create post-pandemic rules and work on strengthening the open and free trade system.
   Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshi Kajiyama, who also represented Japan, stressed the need for bringing the pandemic under control as quickly as possible, and then building a resilient economy, realizing a strong economic recovery and establishing the foundations for economic growth.
   To help the global economy weather the fallout of the pandemic and get back on the growth path, Japan should work to maintain and fortify the free trade mechanism and ensure a free flow of data, he added.


