2020.11.11 19:24Business

近ツー、店舗数3分の1に 希望退職も募集

 同日発表した20年9月中間連結決算は、売上高が前年同期比92.6%減の158億円、純損益は168億円の赤字(前年同期は20億円の黒字)だった。政府の支援策「Go To トラベル」で国内旅行は回復傾向にあるが、それでも21年3月期の売上高は前期比63.7%減の1400億円にとどまると見込む。

2020.11.11 19:24Business

Two-Thirds of Kinki Nippon Tourist Outlets to Be Shut Down

Major Japanese travel agency KNT-CT Holdings Co. said Wednesday that about two-thirds of its 138 domestic Kinki Nippon Tourist brand travel agency outlets for individual customers will be closed by the end of March 2022.
   The company will take the move as its earnings have deteriorated sharply in line with a plunge in travel demand due to the novel coronavirus crisis. It expects the number of people visiting its outlets to continue dropping amid a growing trend to book travel online reflecting the epidemic.


