2020.11.07 20:34Nation

8日に立皇嗣の礼 秋篠宮さま皇位継承順位1位


2020.11.07 20:34Nation

Japan to Hold Crown Prince's Proclamation Rites on Sun.

Japan will hold the "Rikkoshi-no-Rei" ceremonies at Tokyo's Imperial Palace on Sunday to proclaim Crown Prince Akishino's rise to first in line to the throne.
   The ceremonies were slated for April 19 but were postponed due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
   Emperor Naruhito will declare Crown Prince Akishino, his younger brother, first in line to the throne at the core "Rikkoshi-Senmei-no-Gi" rite to be held in the "Matsu-no-Ma" state room from 11 a.m. (2 a.m. GMT).
   Rikkoshi-Senmei-no-Gi will be attended by some 50 people, including Imperial Family members and government leaders. The number will be drastically reduced from initial plans due to the epidemic.
   During the rite, attendees other than Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko and Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will be wearing face masks.


