2024.09.23 07:03Nation

小泉氏、議員支持で先行 党員票含め高市・石破氏と「3強」―自民総裁選、決選投票の公算


2024.09.23 07:03Nation

Koizumi Enjoys Most Lawmaker Support in LDP Race: Jiji Survey

Former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi has support from the biggest number of Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers in the race to pick the successor to LDP President Fumio Kishida, Japan's prime minister, a Jiji Press survey found.
   Ahead of Friday's voting, Koizumi, 43, was backed by over 50 LDP lawmakers, according to the survey of LDP lawmakers and others conducted by Sunday. Meanwhile, key rival candidates Sanae Takaichi, 63, economic security minister, and Shigeru Ishiba, 67, former LDP secretary-general, each had around 30 supporters.
   Based on interviews with officials in the camps of all nine candidates and executives of LDP local organizations, Jiji Press also found that Takaichi, Koizumi and Ishiba are likely to win many votes from rank-and-file party members and party supporters.
   Considering this and the expected votes from lawmakers, they are regarded as the top three candidates. But none is seen attaining a majority in the first round of balloting, likely leading to a runoff between the top two.
   In Friday's presidential election, a total of 736 votes will be cast--368 from LDP lawmakers and another 368 from rank-and-file members and supporters across the country.


