2020.11.06 23:03Nation

ハワイ渡航、隔離免除 利用回復、期待と不安―航空大手


2020.11.06 23:03Nation

Hawaii Exempts Travelers from Japan from Quarantine

The U.S. state of Hawaii on Friday loosened its restrictions on travelers from Japan, allowing them to skip two-week quarantine related to the novel coronavirus pandemic if they meet some conditions.
   Japanese airlines, hit hard by a plunge in international flight demand, are hoping that the exemption will increase the number of travelers using flights to Hawaii, a cash-cow route.
   But it is uncertain whether demand will increase as hoped, because travelers are required to be quarantined for two weeks after returning from Hawaii to Japan.
   "We cannot be optimistic about the future," said an official of Japan Airlines .
   A flight of ANA Holdings Inc.'s All Nippon Airways bound for Honolulu left Tokyo International Airport at Haneda on Friday evening. The flight's seat occupancy was low at 26 pct.


