2020.11.06 19:36Nation

菅首相「コロナ拡大の兆し」 インフル同時流行警戒―参院予算委


2020.11.06 19:36Nation

Japan Seeing Signs of Coronavirus Resurgence: Suga

Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga warned Friday that the country is "seeing signs" of a resurgence of novel coronavirus infections.
   While noting the possibility of seasonal influenza and novel coronavirus infections spreading simultaneously toward winter, Suga emphasized that the government is taking countermeasures "at full alert."
   He made the remarks at a meeting of the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   On the plan to establish a government agency tasked with promoting digitalization, the prime minister said that his administration will step up efforts to integrate and standardize systems used by the central and local governments in order to set up the foundations for the digitalization of society.
   The government aims to realize the initiatives over the next five years and will consider a related legal framework if needed, he said.


