2020.11.05 19:24Nation

政府、首相祝意を保留 米大統領選、勝敗確定まで注視


2020.11.05 19:24Nation

Suga to Withhold Congratulations to Presidential Poll Winner

The Japanese government plans to withhold Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's congratulatory message to the winner of the U.S. presidential election, hoping to watch related legal battle developments at least until a concession speech is given by the loser.
   "There is no need to rush. We'll move after we see the result," a senior Japanese government official said, after Republican incumbent Donald Trump accused Democratic candidate Joe Biden's campaign of fraud and filed lawsuits in some states to halt vote counting.
   At Friday's meeting of the House of Councillors Budget Committee, Suga said, "Although we still do not know which candidate will win, the Japan-U.S. alliance is the axis of Japan's diplomatic and security policies and the basis of peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region and the international community."
   "We'll continue to closely cooperate with the United States," the prime minister added.
   Meanwhile, Japanese Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso said at a gathering on Thursday, "The election turning into a court battle means that the contest is highly likely to become prolonged." He also said Friday that the United States seems to be in a "considerable confusion."


