2020.11.04 19:11Nation

6人除外「杉田氏から報告」 菅首相、学術会議問題で―衆院予算委


2020.11.04 19:11Nation

Suga Gets Prior Report on SCJ Nominee Rejection from Sugita

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday he received a prior report on the rejection of six nominees to the Science Council of Japan from Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kazuhiro Sugita.
   The remark highlighted Sugita's involvement in the prime minister's controversial decision not to appoint the six nominees recommended by the council as its members.
   At a House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting, Suga said he conveyed his "concern" to the Cabinet Office when the government received from the SCJ a list of 105 member candidates Aug. 31.
   It was three days after then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced his resignation. At that time, Suga was chief cabinet secretary.
   In response to Suga's concern, the Cabinet Office made a draft list of 99 SCJ nominees that excluded the six on Sept. 24, after Suga took office as prime minister on Sept. 16.


