2020.10.27 12:36Nation

政府、携帯乗り換え促進 値下げへ行動計画―格安スマホの競争力強化


2020.10.27 12:36Nation

Japan Govt Unveils Action Plan to Lower Mobile Rates

The Japanese government released an action plan Tuesday to lower mobile phone rates by increasing competition.
   The action plan outlines measures to create an environment easier for users to switch carriers and to make low-cost smartphone service providers more competitive.
   "We'll promote competition among carriers to make mobile fees as low as in other major countries," communications minister Ryota Takeda told a press conference.
   Takeda asked for cooperation from the country's three major carriers to lower mobile rates. "We'll examine their efforts when we allocate bands," he said.
   The action plan includes a further reduction in fees that budget smartphone operators pay to major carriers to use their networks. The ministry will start discussing details by the end of this fiscal year.


