2020.10.25 20:37Nation

お酢のカクテルいかが 酒に負けぬ深い味わい―英の流行取り入れ・関西の45店

 「ホワイトグルーヴは酒のような余韻が残る。これやったら飲めない時に頼みたい」。常連客からの評価も上々だと話すのは、「バー サヴォイオマージュ」(神戸市)店主でバーテンダーの森崎和哉さん(43)。「隠し味で酢を使うことはあったが、ベースにしたのは初めて。バーはお酒が飲めなくても来ていい場所と思ってもらいたい」と期待する。

2020.10.25 20:37Nation

Vinegar-Based Nonalcoholic Cocktails Catching On in Kansai

A total of 45 bars and other establishments in the Kansai western Japan region have joined an initiative to serve vinegar-based nonalcoholic cocktails, mainly for nondrinkers and drivers.
   Kazuhiro Soga, a 60-year-old food journalist, proposed the initiative after being asked by a restaurant early this year about the possibility of "shrub" mixed drinks that are popular in Britain becoming a boom in Japan as well.
   Later, Soga asked a bartender he knows and female students of a university where he is teaching to create recipes for such drinks, believing that vinegar will make the taste of beverages richer as shrubs are nonalcoholic drinks using fruit vinegar.
   Among the 21 drinks created in the initiative are "White Groove," made from yogurt, black vinegar, grapefruit juice and spices, and tasting like a lassi, and "Garnet Love," made with black oolong tea and apple vinegar.
   Kazuya Morisaki, a 43-year-old bartender and the owner of Bar Savoy Hommage in the city of Kobe, the capital of Hyogo Prefecture, noted that White Groove is popular among customers, quoting one of them as saying: "It has an aftertaste like an alcoholic drink. I want to order this when I can't drink."


