2020.10.25 20:31Nation

核廃絶へ「大いなる一歩」 禁止条約発効を被爆者ら歓迎―保有国や日本に参加訴え


2020.10.25 20:31Nation

Hibakusha Cheer N-Weapons Ban Treaty's Entering into Force

Atomic bomb survivors, known as hibakusha, and antinuclear campaigners in Japan cheered the news that the U.N. treaty banning nuclear weapons is now set to enter into force on Jan. 22 next year.
   At the same time, many of such advocates of a nuclear-free world stepped up their calls on Japan, which is the only atomic-bombed country in the world, and nuclear powers to join the landmark treaty.
   "It's a major step toward the materialization of our long-cherished desire to ban and abolish nuclear weapons," said Sunao Tsuboi, 95-year-old head of a hibakusha group who survived the U.S. atomic bombing of the western Japan city of Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, in the closing days of World War II.
   "I want to devote my energy to encouraging nuclear states and nuclear umbrella states to join the treaty," Tsuboi said. "Particularly, I want the Japanese government to consider its participation."
   The U.N. treaty will take effect 90 days after it has been ratified by at least 50 countries and regions. Honduras completed its ratification procedures on Saturday to become the 50th economy to do so.


