2020.10.24 07:20Nation

子供の新型コロナ感染、8割は家族から 休校効果に「限界」―小児科学会


2020.10.24 07:20Nation

80 Pct of Coronavirus-Positive Children Infected by Family Members

Around 80 pct of children who tested positive for the novel coronavirus had caught the virus from family members, the Japan Pediatric Society has found.
   "School closures have proven to have only a limited effect (of protecting children from the virus)," the group said.
   According to the society's data collected so far this year, its member doctors reported that 472 patients aged 19 or younger were found to have contracted the virus as of Oct. 8 and that 78 pct of the total were infected by their family members, such as parents and grandparents. The reported coronavirus cases accounted for 7.6 pct of all under-20 cases in the country.
   Even in September and October, when students were already back to school in many parts of the country, the "contraction-at-home" rate remained at around 80 pct, while the rate of virus transmission from staff at schools, kindergartens and nurseries stood low at around 10 pct.
   The society also found that young people have low risk of suffering severe COVID-19 symptoms, as the data showed that around 90 pct of the infected children recovered without receiving treatment and only 0.4 pct needed intensive care.


