2020.10.23 20:37Nation

政府、正月休みの分散化要請 新型コロナ、分科会提言受け―ハロウィーン自粛を


2020.10.23 20:37Nation

Japan COVID-19 Panel Calls for Deconcentrating New Year Holidays

A Japanese government panel on the fight against COVID-19 on Friday called for deconcentrating holidays in the coming year-end and New Year period, in a bid to prevent crowds and infections.
   The panel made the call as many workers in the country are expected to take leave for several days through Jan. 4, which is Monday, and to travel including to their parents' homes.
   In line with the call, the government plans to request as early as next week agencies and local governments, as well as private companies through business groups, to allow employees to take leave flexibly in the period until Jan. 11, the Coming of Age Day national holiday.
   "We want to ask people to make efforts to avoid crowds in the first three days of New Year and reduce infection risks," economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura told a press conference following the panel's meeting.
   The panel had already advised the government to ask people to choose small-group trips.


