2020.10.23 19:03Nation

携帯乗り換え、年明け無料 店頭は上限1000円―武田総務相、追加策「来週発表」


2020.10.23 19:03Nation

Panel Calls for Abolishing MNP Fees on Mobile Users

A panel of experts set up by the Japanese communications ministry on Friday formally adopted its proposals for reform measures on mobile number portability services, which allow mobile users to retain their numbers when they change their carriers.
   The proposals call on mobile carriers to offer MNP services for free in principle. Currently, MNP fees of 3,000 yen are collected by domestic carriers including NTT Docomo Inc. , KDDI Corp. and SoftBank Corp. .
   The panel's proposals also call on mobile carriers to accept MNP applications around the clock. Major carriers now limit even online MNP applications to between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.
   The measures are aimed at promoting competition in the industry and realizing the lower mobile rates sought by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.
   The communications ministry plans to implement the measures as soon as early next year, by revising related guidelines.


