2020.10.22 07:06Nation

衆院選「菅内閣の将来占う」 自民・二階俊博幹事長インタビュー


2020.10.22 07:06Nation

INTERVIEW: Suga Administration's Fate Hinges on Next Election

The fate of Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's administration will depend on the results of the next general election, Toshihiro Nikai, secretary-general of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said in an interview with Jiji Press on Wednesday.
   The next House of Representatives election, to be held before the current term for Lower House members expires in a year's time, will be a "crucially important" poll for the Suga cabinet, Nikai said.
   "Whether the Suga cabinet is able to run the government for a long time or is short-lived depends largely on the election's results," the LDP heavyweight said.
   Suga "must be considering almost every day when to dissolve the Lower House and how to fight the election," he added.
   Nikai said the party will "generously support" Suga after the prime minister takes the big decision to dissolve the Lower House.


