2020.10.20 10:49Nation

ロシア、東京五輪を標的 サイバー攻撃、平昌冬季も―英政府


2020.10.20 10:49Nation

Russia Conducts Cyberattacks on Tokyo Games Organizations

Russia's military intelligence agency had conducted cyberattacks on organizations related to the Tokyo Summer Olympics and Paralympics, the British government said Monday.
   The attacks were carried out before a decision was made in March this year on the one-year postponement of the games to 2021 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, according to the government.
   The British government concluded that the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, directed the attacks, which targeted host organizations, and logistics and sponsor companies for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. It did not reveal whether the attacks caused any damage.
   The British and U.S. governments said the same day that GRU carried out cyberattacks also on the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in South Korea.
   The U.S. Justice Department said that it charged six computer hackers, who are members of GRU, for allegedly engaging in computer intrusions and attacks on the Pyeongchang Games and in other cases.


